when is it now

samedi 6 avril 2013

the time has come alone, nobody followed him, it is indeed that time is absent, I do not know why he had been told he wouldn't come tonight, he is always punctual, so why tonight is not it, I have my own idea, sometimes I do not have time, so I must settle for a moment that I did not choose, the chance that 'cares, sometimes it is good, but most often it is anything, nothing happens, I crossed that unknown, it is cold, I have only one desire, it' is to go home and I predict a quiet evening, it is still better to plan things, even if it does not happen all the time as it was intended, it works from time to time, and life you better know simply what we have, because there is not much chance in life, it takes a long time, you never know if you have chosen the right path, that is I'm wasting my time, who could tell me, I know I have to be careful in my body there are atoms that are on strike, I do not know why, but the result is the failure of internal passages between the liver and the kidneys, nothing serious at the moment but if it continues I will go wrong and it will not arrange my affairs

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