when is it now

mardi 15 décembre 2009

if I could wait for me where I am, I could save time, but I rarely am where I am, I stand before or after, in areas where I am uncertain flickers before going back to the Indeed, movements that take me hours to not sink, it goes up and down without ever saying why, meaning forbidden passages in the air, the idea overflowing unable to raise resources for a dignified existence, but pass on the details, it is unlikely to start without asking how we got there, no theory can explain me why I am today if I am because I am, otherwise I am not I'm behind, always behind the other to power the watch he can not see me, that's how I lead my life, I try to hide to see without being seen, but it does not work all the time, sometimes I miss the turn and I came upon a story that is beyond me, I can not turn around, I'm stuck without being able to escape, it lasts for years and when I feel it really moves I pass on to something more simple, nothing too serious, just a manner of speaking, words started, provided that people pick them up, I do not care, all those words we exchange, nothings, all, we're all together,

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