when is it now

mercredi 14 mars 2012

when I was young everything was clearthe sun shone, the clouds were grayblue sea and earth brownnow that I am an adultthe sky is greenthe earth knows my name so it can make a hole , and the sun bursts to burn my skinnothing goesI go without advancing, I shrink faster than I did beforehand, I am, or rather I try to be a respectable, I live in society even if I do not know anyone, selfishness leads the world, me, me, me, others do not existhow can we live differently, after leaving home we say hello, we  are worried about whether we can  helpwe know all his street once a month we organize a party by blocking the whole streetwe know everyone we speak, we listenbut it does not work like that, who makes fiestas, always the same ones who take risks to create the eventit is not clear that it works, many people do not want to losethey prefer to wait and maybe get involved if someone else takes the initiativelike that we know nobody, humans build a cozy nest to live between themselfpast the door is another world, that's how we manage to live alone among thousands people indifferentwhat lifenothing changes, humans believe in technical progressbut what do they do more in life than those who are dead for two hundred yearsthere is no evolution, humans have two legs, two armshearta bundle of nerve, bloodover millions of years

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