when is it now

mercredi 13 juin 2012

the last time I kissed her I was youngnow I do not care, my desire is elsewhere,  to remain quiet as long as possiblehaving a body which accepts that I am well in my head,then we'll see how I get olderit does not depend on methere is a destiny, everything can change every day in the crowd, a story as old as the worldone day it will, anothersomething is wrongyou grow up in the body in thicknessit is not seeneverything iscounted every secondeverything is recordedbut whywe do not remember what we didten days ago, so why provided the body there a place which grows with time in memory of everything we do, for what purposesuch information being transmitted elsewhere tocombine the experiences of all humans in a huge virtual library in the cloudsa globalmemorybillions of thoughts, actions, projects, desireswhich will one day be used to rebuild a human, a new copy without the shortcomings of the current living is a projectlong in coming

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