when is it now

samedi 17 novembre 2012

when I realized that I was what I was I had a moment of hesitation, what is it, and then days went by, I got used to it and seek we find that this we find is someone average, not great, not zero, just someone who comes, who goes, who is, who can be a bit, that would be great, but something is missing, it is why he seeks, there must be something that any part, it's been years that I want, and I feel that it progresses, the problem is that I can not verify all is unclear, everything is far, everything is unknown, but I happen not know when or how, but it does not matter, I know I'm on the road, this is a first step, find the road it takes years, then it is not faster, but at least we know where we are, it can take a long time, it does not matter, I am of age still believe in progress, it is just the right age, before it is too soon thinks only of himself, after it is too late, we have more energy, so do not waste time, the seconds pass, it is time to take the way he is, I found it fesait long as I wanted, that's it, it is there, waiting for me, I waited a long time, even before I was born, it was diponible for millennia since humans exist millions of years, and the path was already there, I waited patiently hoping that one day someone would, it is I who found by chance, I walked in my brain when I saw a light at the end of a clearing, I approach, and suddenly I'm surprised by a new way of thinking, I had never thought before, it is new, it was me, I'm happy, I thought I would find anything, but I tried anyway, days and days, and today I found a way that I will follow, I'm not lost, I know where it leads, it does not bother me, I know that life passes quickly, time is precious, I keep

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