when is it now

mercredi 3 avril 2013

I suddenly realized that he had to turn back, I could not continue to follow it, what are we capable of, could I push it into a corner and try to undress her to see her breasts, but this idea I liked it, I could not, not, not, continue, I had to think of something else, a croissant or to jam on the cake, it was fast, I forgot for a second and completely what I had seen the night before on television on a rapist who raped girls in the rapidly growing in a building entrance, with a knife, he quickly cut clothes and at the same time threatened the girl, this way of do not please me, I do not like to seduce and I do not like to do by force, then I do nothing, I just have people crossing the street to imagine that I know, then I come home and it's going well, until now I have worked like that, my instincts are not criminal, I have instincts like everyone else, but I never will force someone is contrary to my view of life, if I could, I'd like us all to be friends, that all goes well, but the violence in relationships, it is the lack of love between people, we do not want that self-possession, or by intelligence, or by strength or by cunning or by boredom, there is always a sense of ownership in the relationship, it is better to know

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