when is it now

mercredi 11 mars 2015

what actually happens

what actually happens it is a total lack of cause, which means that everything that secretly can not be rapidly translated into real action gets in the way of justification together with other people do not want to be what they are not and all that does not matter to the inner adventure that is not to say anything other than what it can do and when we are able to take all that is good, while in other circumstances I see no reason to invoke any opponent who is never there when you need it, then this is one that I continue my quest that leads me to disillusionment worth to build on the solid, everything collapses as I pass and when I try to build a wall I feel swept away by the west wind that can not do that without thinking about everything I ' have done in the past, which is an unnecessary amount, but that gives me the right to continue to dream, what happens in the majority of cases it is a complete abandonment of childhood dreams, it sinks into the daily and never raise their heads, is the burial before the tomb, joyful sight to see all these elements once satisfied that gradually fall into passivity, because what is lacking in the human is perseverance in the useless, futile, the nonsense, the real beneath the confused reality because the lower level we see things differently from the glossy surface, because here everything is long gone, nothing remains of the splendor past, as if it was time that all hope is over, it should not be taken for anything other than the end, one thing is to see that another is to have fun taking pears corners, what makes all the difference with the other more modern vision that translates into a desire to consume consumer goods without wondering if everything will go in an approximate sense in both hemispheres at the same time that democratic development in Africa in many many devices in neutral, and waste management feelings addressing the binary system, which is more common than walking in the current situation does not lead to optimism, that being said it should not be exaggerate the passage goes further, what happens is an opportunity, in the hope that it grows and put no water, because everything is true and if it is for that too but in reverse situation, which is not made to be started first but the chance to defeat is total, encouraging lowest to believe that his star will shine above the mountains as if we had done everything to be taken seriously as to pretend to be someone important in the management of global abuse, but now, at the middle of a sentence I find a way to escape in the fog of a dirty glass, unless that here in the opposite corner of the room I found a big enough underground to spend with my cargo of wine bottles that I still carry with me in the secret hope that one day I will see it as an unnecessary burden and seeing the damage it because I will make a full resolution of common sense at the same time as the temperature goes up in summer by several sensitive phases that do not support the endless rolling to the point of passing for the first cause of mortality in the lower layers of the house divine, and in this respect I always do that

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