when is it now

mardi 2 juin 2015

although it grows in the air

although it grows in the air I think everything starts anyway for doing this without yet realizing that all things considered it's better to do it before it starts like that we are caught in a terror lucky to find something that is not over but with neutral intentions as it must be done for a chance to rock the silence in another house with shutters and why not a roof which continues to be clever when it can have a dark reality, but with experience it is more open than in a fireplace that can not be put to the test in a patch of brambles that are not designed to one day become a passage for the human chained in a crazy fight death with its most dense enemy that does not pay is with money but with the oil that passes from hand to hand before arranging another way to get faster, but now the time n ' is the same as it changes every second so you have to go faster, that way we will have completed more quickly and we can do something else, but what it can become is another question I am not me asked for to do that with ease, I feel that the world is violent, then to the unity of all people who do not want the same thing, I make a collective effort to encourage everyone to reflect on the place that it occupies in society and how one manages to make a step towards the actual implementation of the intentions that are not confrontational and I think to begin to make a water bar, which could go to the streets try to get the message that water is good for the body, it is better than drinking rum and habit we believe it is possible, while violence still lingers as the chili powder but surface provided to close their eyes and ears, it will not last for years if we do nothing more because it would take more daring projects, but that is not in whole mentality because here everything is placed under the sign of personal success, if you manage to do what you want is good, we are happy for you, even if you use violence in your project, it is not our problem, we we just want to encourage the facade standing, so to have done something that is just in the question that sets up first as it continues to believe that this is not enough as if everything is well established in such a vital thing, but with dark sides invading the tension that will crack one day as how to hold so long without having a desire to take action, it's true what should we go so far to have a a day ticket into an amusement park but I know what I do not want the place but upside for amidst life we ​​do not yet know what it will do later, when everything is implemented must find something that matches what I want after the first part and as it's better when it's old, so I do it thinking that maybe one day I would go there in a festive atmosphere that everyone thinks to play the comedy a little kindness that does not turn into sympathy but with a lot of money one can create an impression that does not last, so it's impossible that I although it makes up in other dimensions and that it goes more easily I make the choice to change rhythm one two three

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