when is it now

lundi 1 juin 2015

one day I heard an owl

one day I heard an owl that speaks to me of a Chinese dictator, why is it possible to make this sound of hammer falling on the eastern wall, do not confuse time and smelly junk because everything we throw it often democracy is that freedom of expression is very hard to wash, it necessarily remains itching powder for dictators who do not want to speak ill of a corrupt system to some high dignitaries in their pockets, pushing to raise special funds to go fishing because in a country ruined by sprawling temptations do not expect anything of deputy heads who are there as to reap the maximum power but the day will come when we will go to Beijing to go to the Forbidden City and why a banquet in honor of the freedom to choose who you want as a leader, it looks simple to in France, but in other countries it is guarded like milk on the fire, stuffing ballots in the ballot boxes, intimidation to vote in the right direction, all for that and more in the rapeseed harvest it are a lot of yellow, not white, which makes for a homogeneous mixture cup lot of bricks in the boat that sinks to jeopardize the light path, but this is a flag flying in the wind, it would be a Somali pirate who now wants to do humanitarian work, like what all is possible in this world of thugs who seek only greed, more money, it is the only ambition but all these conditions are met to be put together well then the result is amazing, we never saw that everyone shakes hands, we promised to help, it's great and how did we get This change of course in the horrible world, it is a justice that is one day perhaps a millennium, everything becomes clear, there is more shade is great clarity that makes everything beautiful, it's beautiful, spring cleaning the bottom, which comes as a huge, sweet thing, which happens in life once we got rid of everything that does not go in the right direction, and I do not mean by that again what we do dictatorships of right or left, it is the free membership that rhythm to the movement to participate because we do not say to anyone that he is wrong, it's just the opposite the world because that's the big news, because every man for himself is enlightened and overall it is an immense light, the renewal of the earth, this hope we were waiting for so long all together without humans class, religion, social status, because we are all caught by the presence of God who has finally decided to intervene because it had to stop one day that the human is completely free to do what he willing, there has long been a paradise was a creation, but when it stopped it was the beginning of the end, as they say when the meal is ready, which stops it is time for freedom you must have the chance to live for a changing reality of dominant position, there are so many complaints so much pain, so much loss of reality, when we want to see what happens do not be afraid, it ' is the change that matters when everything is destroyed there is always a little thing that remains available for one day it reappears, it may take time, but one day it happens that day and we are thrilled that happens in the body is an explosion of quiet joy, this is it is there after so many years of struggle we finally leave these habits lead to alleviate the silence of love is not it right now that we wait and we all love happens when you are alive, so not to want it and make it happen today

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