when is it now

vendredi 3 juillet 2015

I must say that is necessary

I must say that is necessary otherwise it is useless to want to make an effort that would lead to a dark situation, but with laws that could make us look disorderly humans which could have resulted in a complete lack of speech for peace because ordinarily we know what it means but for the simple reason that everything comes afterwards there once a day for a moment of pleasure even if everything is out of the circle that does not matter which account is to be in the right direction so that any account to the smallest place we know because this time is not exceeded the limit, so that for that too we are more open than for years, and with this in mind to pay attention to other silences, I do exactly what is possible to repair the leak, I put time because it's not my specialty, I prefer to wait it out and usually it is easy to see right away, because after it starts to do something else, so you have to be careful at the time when we mark the place and you tell yourself there too I know, so to say that it is done in a hurry I do what I can, I hear, I see, what else should we banged the field that is not right, but why go that far, I would like to tour room, which is not tender with her, because at the height of the agitation we know why we started a rope around his neck, as being more what it does in time, wrinkles, waivers, diminished means, and why not a hands drop, which is not associated with what goes to the full extent, but with others we can try to form a club, which is not yet possible because this time I fear I can not wipe my right to live openly so I pay attention at first, because the first time I do this also for me, that changes everything unless of course that everything should be there for another time, so I have more time to plunge into madness, as the point where I am it is not certain to be able to last long in the facility because the highest there is less air so if you want to be in a reality approaching dance in a spirit of place given to the last moment, never mind I know it's a passing mode, while the temptation is as old as time is Here comes another time at the party, that's fine, I could rely on myself and when I see that everything is organized I do not believe my eyes, I must believe in destiny that ever happen to find myself in a dense crowd, but I know what I can do, because this time I am very careful with words, everything is in its place, it did not go as planned then it must change its mind which takes time to try something else then I propose to do what the law allows for, suddenly everyone has an idea, it's a profusion of artistic threats one could even say that everything is tied to then be cut in the longitudinal direction, that is how I realized that everyone is in a banal hope to put your finger in the hole in the centuries we still say hello how okay, it's getting better and when I think that I do that makes me feel good because I simply admit that all that matters is little, a wardrobe, gloves, mustard reminds me that everything is started I must hurry

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