when is it now

jeudi 2 juillet 2015

once a day I start the day

once a day I start the day, it goes well I have no problem or when I check my account to realize that I'm saying how once that is done is less important because health must be activated and as it is to go further, I think that everything is perfect it just takes me to change direction it does not correspond to the expectations because in today's world we wait too easy pleasures, we must know to look at another model that corresponds to former principles that could be followed to get better, it was first a living being free which is understandable but is difficult to export because we forget too quickly that in some cases little open to dialogue, one must have in stock a heavy equipment that can not be done right away without being put to the service of the aunt, who enters this time through the door from behind and as is usual in this family, we must be sure that everything is under control before moving on to phase two and what I say is valid for everyone, so in a forgotten corner I spend my time taking my feet in the cables is not what I want, but I do not know why I can not do otherwise, then in determining action I get to my feet and two meters I get rid of all my cables that clung to my feet, and I find my freedom, for a short time because they call me to ask me to carry a package from the other side of the mountain, once I climb in a vehicle with two wheels, and I rush on the track, soon I arrive at a crossing I pass first, followed by a black car that then I think it's a kind of ambush but as I am the faster I find myself alone on the road, so as not to lose time I take a path I know well because when I was little I had to play but what is happening is a lack just tell me everything about the storm is expected tomorrow, so I understand that we need to use handkerchiefs, but the cap is not there I can have a message of plum, it passes me good morning and told me that it would expect in an hour, so I look at my watch and I see that light passes through the glass, I wonder what that means and as I have a job to do I spend the rest time to take me to another, it happens from time to time when I'm tired of being what I am and as usual it's been that I do it will have any problem because this principle is used to know do something quickly like me and I know the dark side that makes me feel funny telling me that passion is benefit to him when one is able to take over its harmful nature to hear the siren song who welcome the plan to make happy all the flat beyond the constituency of Maubeuge, once I go out of the window there is more to prepare the couscous royal for the farm animals to sleep peace because during this time I organize a party that surprises me my neighbors because usually I am silent, and I do not listen to music, so everyone comes to see what happens and then we discover that I I invited all members of the family of those who show their sense of welcome when we pass all a moment of wild joy, which lasts one year and then to September I have a dream I must go discover where a princess is trapped

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