when is it now

mardi 10 mars 2015

a further gesture to pay

a further gesture to pay attention to the slope that starts in the upper quest by this time looming paying attention to the birth in a narrow passage, for example in luck but also so that it goes straight into the silence of the angels when it sings hallelujah which is not always possible because what exists is over, you have to start to sing for this to go around, and how it is brimming unable to do a thing over another which grows to want to do this as it goes without having to do it at the expense of the main room, as being determined from the source it starts in the right direction and then the guide as if could see the image of God, but it must be really something else to offer, which is not available yet, but how to be what is not offered in courses on key issues, be -it make another party or so in silence to relax proposed a new way to make a different weight in the current change and it can go when I realize that it's not done in the right area, but still support my intentions a new way to bouncing off the walls as if we had seen the moment after a new inquiry for me who does not know yet what it means hello once or the other I know it is done well, a little in the precise order and it changes every minute but it's not yet done it takes years to tour that takes the pace while everything else is frozen at the sight outside any reality, but for that one simple thing that knows how to do well in all styles and what it puts in half a new genre that promises by making rounds, but for that I know it is done in the spirit of the law, which can not waive the rule so that it soars in the full spirit of thanks and for that to change the world, that everyone hopes one day, one hour, one minute, one second, the time it takes life but especially in the choice to say yes to love, which is just waiting for an unknown fruit could one day become a source of happiness, breaking news in the oven of the unconscious and that it happens in a dry place, which is not possible in the wet, so I choose to do a node in the presence of the bathroom, which is not yet complete, a thing that does not overflow, it is more interesting than the sea rises, regarding the missing change and damn sense, a month over me, and essentially a roof that looks to prevent water from exceeding a limited authorized and hanging is not torn but for the simple reason that everything is trapped in the science announces that one day we will have to dress warmly because regarding the timing lose the sun, you should know that in a space as there is no short time to take his cat for the next moment one realizes that the sidewalk we saw when we were young has become a source of thirst upside in cable cars jumps up down side everything is but necessary that it goes to the right place for it snaps to vibrate in all directions as the rice grains put her in the crate that will one day become a good way to earn money

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