when is it now

samedi 7 mars 2015

in a single choice

in a single choice that matters now is the time to make an oversight when the sea rises and the stairs leading to the highest station there is a dead cat, so to be in the same set that count a kind of Alsatian house that may have the same appearance as a pitched roof, which not only what pretends to be made in the image of God, but when you take the right we see what goes on in the top thing but everything is made to be in a closed circle, while it changes every hour but when it's a done deal long time I understand that it puts the eagerness to make holes, what happens then c 'is a way of making well-made speech, when it's a small house, but all that is happening in the outside it is a hellish struggle for it goes straight, and when it's Wednesday we see a new light, when I pass away, it is a specific passage in the midst of fear, when you are done to know what happens in general, but the same attitude I expect a passage, it's been a temple in the same direction as the time that it's been after the first death, when we are happy is that in all that joy laugh as long as this life will present me a break, it goes up or it darkens all right, why is believing, a limit in joy, it's close to or up in a pile of crosses, it sings in the morning or in the bathtub and make it fun, but what is so against it was all planned, that's the kind of thing that I put first because what is past is nostalgia who cares is when I pass close it is to have a chance of losing the balance, but for it to choose the salad, it's a very memorable in the central station, but what is transmitted at the present time that what makes a roof, a right wall to be hungry, it looks good or while in the high security prison, a current time, is it like a strange party that is more enviable than the wet sand and for this reason I always watch my back, which is more attractive than putting everything Hope in a wool coat, but it happens more often than it is a mountain as round as the one I think and when it's time to make a fire, I see then ascend to heaven name forgotten, and when it chooses a hammer, I look in my shirt that could go against iron

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