when is it now

mercredi 6 mai 2015

believe in yourself is a major struggle

believe in yourself is a major struggle that starts early and ends very late because time is needed to know where we are, which is not only a cause of suspension but also another way of doing that slowly between in the same movement than any other vertebrate provided close the door to avoid doing what we did before and that caused the passions in the sea, but now in the modern world there are times that are supported for now even if one is content with itself, for good food and good for others who are more often at the table in silence, ah yes that's right, I forgot to think that tomorrow is Thursday, So to have peace, I take my stuff and I go to Kathmandu to let all my hopes at home and hear the complaints of farmers who have lost the desire to do what carrots is not sure but see what is pass, so it's flat that everything happens in the west, as if one is trapped in a riding accident that hears for the first time the howl of a volcano and this is something that is first activated, second and third next several hours waiting to receive the official paper that allows me to take the time to understand why this is an acceptable way to see that everything is taken at the beginning to have the space to take a support which can have a structure finally close enough to places I know but now it's time to pray for the dead, thousands parties together to plug the paradise, what to say who could pay the bill because to put all hope in a box should soon put an extra time for doing anything in the hope of losing weight provided you agree to see that everything went on time against the opinion of the superintendent, but with surprise to put as much passion into a secondary question would not have had so much publicity if we had known it was only later that everything happens at the level of other interest and followed by a crowd desperate when all is present and the blood flows in the veins to feed the brain that turns into a hammer to pound the sadness farewell beet field hello my friend, what's good is to have a large enough field for all production used to feed head of a person in my station to be hungry but also for balance, for a long time I'm trying to make a tool for my old age which will allow me one day to wait it out without having to other things to do in emergencies, there comes a day when everything is put together there is more free space, it is stuck in the airport must wait until it enters the science to come out in human and here turn left and in the center of the square you come across something that falls into the category of kitchen gadgets while tomorrow is better than today, you still have to admit that the all weights and measures have in the recent past to reduce poverty by paying attention to all the fragility of foreign missions who are forced to go far to see that all things considered it is too much in his apartment with his objects his oven and well studied time and all cotton to lose the habit of closing the door to the janitor, but whatever it is better to be told, luck is permitted in the happy result

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