when is it now

lundi 18 mai 2015

now make it beyond good

now make it beyond good places that are numerous to know what is best to be ready to see the flood of words in this atmosphere panicked to start taking the time to show all that is possible paying attention to everything that is not put there by chance, because for once the measure is full, indicating to those who believe not possible to take the time and make it to his master waiting in court and that way we can calmly continue this corresponds to my desire to quickly turn for not feel wrong direction, forcing to look at why it's like that there must be a reason for all that, because I think it's good to do it thinking that it is good, there has he u way to escape, because the meaning of the sentence that melts there the other gifts that are not operated in that I forget why it is bad, it should not be a problem because I think just to be able to do it, but now the question arises centimeter in management of resources which are not sufficient to have a force comparable to what we know of others who are able to quickly take a turn that into consideration electrical outlets that can within the limits of desirable actions have a small impact in choosing a cake salt, which is to embarrass me, but I just think that all this should be put in a place that does not smell like rotten fish, what is more worrying is to understand that why gasoline we put out is not yet returned to ask for forgiveness, which leads to thinking that goes into the category of pure butter, because the slightest incident I stop everything, I will not waste my time in This facility can not have depth because of an item that grows do that outside the place that should have suitable, while for this reason I do what I can in the time between that and sausage out of the factory to be made available to people willing to do anything to not be stuck in a port that can have no house in luck but on balance I do not think like that, but with I usually know what it is not worthwhile to ask all the time what it's like to take a hammer to hit a nail, which is not just an act but something that in some cases may have what it puts together what it raises in the style to take a choice to see him pass at full speed in the following question, it goes fast, I like it, because for the now everything is to be studied at length what is happening by chance is dance ducks heard in the next room, but immediately afterwards you have to know what it is so I take what I can and advance to find out, once that is done I have to turn left, but right now there is a possibility that comes into play, so for not having done immediately the motion asked I must start from the beginning, so I'm sure not to miss anything but now the phone rings, I rush too fast and I fell on the carpet downstairs I see things differently because what is now happening is a secret passion that can not be opened for fear of being exploded like a tomato that launches the sixth floor, but now they can breathe, I'm actually able to take in support chain

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