when is it now

mercredi 6 mai 2015

once I take but too often I leave

once I take but too often I leave because after all there is of course a dry place but everything around it is except that it can go to a hollow but now must go away and as it is rather that it should have arrive later, then to a particular thing which is set aside does not look like a born thing to have another outlet of tea but now that too is lost because everything is happening here is a something more like that every time one is full before winter, so that just as well in the rest in flight, there fairly early to advanced problems of nothing to his, but there to while gaping in the storm mergers acquired for everything else in a choice small but powerful enough to clear everything and although it is put in the head that could have had a different thought, but why would believe that before the start is later because right now it's a different thing that begins, because to have done the trick there is the other side a weight which is not to be put in an otherwise acceptable situation because deep within the earth there is enough to heat all the buildings, so why do what is not useful, that begins the cycle of many other creative passions, here it is for the fantasy that less pressure for the center chance of beating pigeon shooting causing all the idiots to see that it is better at this time because as a parent best able to take what is necessary to develop an emergency plan when all s' collapses what happens when we go to Nepal to see up close a mudslide that destroyed everything in its path, while I'm not trying to take the danger out for a model in front of the sidewalk that could say that now it's a catastrophe, one is what one is in the pleasure to live one more day and the acceptance of evil that drives us to fight for the good life but everything around it is the fire of death walks about like a bird of prey over the sheep but now that a cloud is moving to a level of satisfaction enough raise that can not be questioned because why there is justice and patience that everyone can see that it is possible to take a second to hear the message, it is very short to allow everyone to breathe and quickly understand the meaning of words which are a source of happiness, because every human being has in him an ability to live well, but very often we neglect this part to complain about the problems that we are not the Prince of Monaco and that everything we do is bound to fail, which is growing it is the lack of peace because it is clear that the light was believed to be far more present passage is in fact one thing that shines to indicate that there in the hope of one day seeing what I do after in the wisdom or folly of living a moment longer after killing all other brakes that wanted me to be placed in a cold room without an ice cube but with tree-lined avenues that are the source of my passion for sober people, and what I know about this problem of concentration, which is put into the management of fresh appreciation words for the entire background is not an exception that everything remains the same in the house opposite the butcher and for that I am also set to scream my cries health falters when I see what it is to think that everything is closed for a long time and that I am even further than I thought

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