when is it now

mardi 5 mai 2015

one day the cat will say he agrees

one day the cat will say he agrees to replace the strainer for before making a hole must still say yes this is useful will come when we have taken all the entire message, which states that everything I know it's a bit in all these months go to hear a sound from heaven to get it out of habit but with time which is useful but now it's more annoying than expected because for me it is an issue that happens in every place known for shining a new light happens merit to have a serene vision but now everything gets tangled to be hungry, which happens to be a reaction who wants to order that all the words are put in a bag to make it the silence of the trees which is contrary to everything I've done for years and as I'm sure all this will one day admit that freedom this is to pay attention to the world when the alarm is brutal and all seems warned of something that brush in the direction of the wind to feel mix tomatoes and ham who bother to want everything here is put in the first airing tomorrow that one is put in front of anything that seems to belong to a June, but to know how it feels on the skin I looking for a way to not know what it's like because the same place as all I seek is a little sometimes a Mass that drags on and as is my choice here I want to do what I want in the hope that everything I shoot is a little water in a desert underground passion that can not have the joy of climbing in the light at the same time as a roof fall, which harms the gentleman who wanted to tour without breaking the leg but now the tornado happening on the other side of the room, I happily put to it in the fabric that tears but for me it is another dimension that is not yet committed to that, but for the benefit of others who do are not fitted jacket for it is transmitted to the control so that everything is secure, like that we are happy and that makes it when it is not punishment, but the seed and then give everything I have to Memorial jinx, resulting in a ton of cage pleasures for everyone to know when to recognize a hollow full time and why not all three to find out what it's like to walk in the street, which is deaf to be better and it gives joy trembling for fear of having reached a limit unsafe for consumption because what is the system resembles feature for doing that notice which changes name to be elucidated in the date that to present further in each direction for not to do any longer than what I expect around noon but the sun returns so that all I foresee is conditioned to a time long at all what I want so I know that everything depends on a story that does not pay taxes will not be hungry, but now all that gene is not at the door, but in a multiple-choice system and believe before and after it changes in weight, a thick fog hides my presence time, I must pierces the space to have a white house with blue shutters that happens then it is a nakedness that presses me lemon to have a belly dance that is not completed before sunset and when the sit down to contemplate the lack of salt I see very well what it may have the confusion in the choice to do this for nothing

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