when is it now

mardi 19 mai 2015

what matters most is the least

what matters most is the least we should do for knowledge a little longer than it should thank you in style for the soup, but with simple sides resulting in a transition option for doing that quickly and as this is a matter of little importance, I see very well the passage that hole office, like that one is not mistaken everything is helpful here, so that everything falls into a pan of 'unknown history, coincidentally must have some kind of unassisted lamp, so that everyone believes what else, but then this time I am in the field, so I can not speak, because when I 'm focused it's not from the brain, all the energy is put into action and I can tell you that all this is worth to be done, because in the change that is needed when life has gone through many phases and to understand what is going on I set water on the face, like that I fall in temperature because it happens to do more than before, and I wonder if this is normal because the understanding that everything is down today, I do not see why I'm going to do something else on the pretext that nothing resembles the street, but who can I, after all, in the event of collective responsibility there he was not a mistake in the design of the fireball, I do not want to play the spoiler but I have the strong impression that it also comes from China, so I just want to open the eyes and do not hide behind a false friendship, so to be sure of what I say I was down three steps to get a better view of the whole and that's what I see before me, a single copy of piston without artifice, how wonderful he soon must I pack him not to arouse curiosity because people think of nothing except when it suddenly awakens their sense of possession, where it gets interesting, you have the see miles run by inventing tricks to not being detected then here I am with a spring that makes me jump forward, it is well done, it does not wear out and when tired, there has to leave him alone he will come home later and as always I make a report by typing a letter to my secretary Mr. Chairman I presents the results of my investigation once a day and besides measures to nothing, of course in the sentence between front and to have a place for that which does not match what I know because before putting all my eggs in one basket, I check there no hole in the bottom, which could mean that everything is spinning in all directions and now it's done right in front of the string, it's getting better, like we did this regularly for I know that life is an adventure that has an end then it is legitimate to ask why is crisp and fried before making a mistake I consult the missionary who enters by the window because he does not like the door that reminds him when child he played dominoes and then the boiler broke and fled while he wanted to go through the door, but when he opened it, it was a breath of fresh air and the flames are mounted so high all comes down to the cellar so I say it then, and how do you rest on the ground floor, I do not want to die of boredom, I just want to have a cup of tea, is it so difficult to that the Cave has had a tendonitis problem and he can not play tennis with us

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