when is it now

mercredi 3 juin 2009

are asked to keep quiet to participate in leap virtuous, we gather to share our truths would make for an overall resistance to sudden doubt, it is a beautiful barrier which puts the body in an envelope of love, we look like children perfect, no envy, no anger, no possession, freedom, respect of self love, tenderness towards others, the body is more than an imperfect vehicle and recognized as such, it can not be used for the final operation, it leads to the desired location, then it goes out to the mysterious flight of the soul is the goal of our meeting, we will free our souls a short, a sort of recreation for those who are usually overwhelmed by the human conscience, be aware, this is a learning that comes from the depths of time, millions of years humans have learned to have , human history is an example, each person born in the wake of a report of ownership, freedom is forbidden from the outset, it must be old to raise a long pan of the veil, the human is not free of love, crashed on Earth, it can not fly in the air singing the joy of being together, forced to stay on the land he hates his neighbor, is doubting that the man is evil, it is true that the exchange is risky,

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