when is it now

mardi 19 avril 2011

before six is ​​seven, but it does not bother me to brush my teeth because it is well known that in the range of possibilities exists a reality beyond the fiction on the right, depending on the luck you can see what happening now, but often we are reduced to waiting for an event that does not come, we do not control what is not in our possession, for example if I go somewhere, how do I know if I will be anyone in particular, a way of being that belongs to me, it's hard to be personal when you're in a group, but I'll continue to see what happens, I'm curious to see what that the future brings, I'll be someone that makes me optimistic, be someone when experience shows that nothing is except when we sleep, to sleep one becomes what one is deep, without lies, without humanity reduced to the personal interest in the night everything is true in the sense that the brain is open to the unconscious, but before moving day, we must understand that the output is not what we believe, we tend to always be ahead, let us now

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