when is it now

mardi 26 avril 2011

know what for another, I stop to breathe, what's the point of rushing like a lemon, I'm not yellow nor young, I try something that takes time, it is useless to run, we must start on time, starting here, I'm here, no problem, I manage a simple story, a beginning, a middle and an end, then we eat, I definitely think of nothing else, yet he does is not the time, my stomach cries out for at this moment I reshaped to make it less round, he is not happy, I believe it's my last day, when it is just a muscle pain, a place where I could not imagine that there is a discovery which is a little death, I just noticed that the newspaper is the sole responsibility of the drift, why becomes, it is because of choices we make in every moment, every hour, every minute is chosen, the evening we take stock, three for, five against, after a year is enormous and After ten years we have lost count, it becomes nostalgic

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