when is it now

mercredi 5 juin 2013

once and I feel lonely, what will happen after, I do not have a clue, I stay in my corner, not knowing what to do, I do nothing, it suits me, I like it, I know this strange situation, nothing comes, we must deal with it, it goes, it does not take any direction I stood still, I could have done differently, but I know of no other position I know that mine that takes place progressively, nothing special, hours, few choices, some weird ideas, I spend my time thinking about what I do and what I do not, it takes time, we must constantly decide whether such thinking is feasible, desirable, understandable, quickly I know what I have to do the rest of the time I do nothing, no mental acitivié, I let myself be for not to bear the anguish of living, for those who have this disease think all the time that things go wrong, I think the least, it allows me to continue coasting for a long time, I've realized long ago that possibility for those who wanted to smash the living conditions, it is not tolerable to all in the face, it makes me long as I lower my head, it goes on top of me, then I'm still looking up and lowering it from time to time not to walk into a dog shit, life is beautiful, it's been that I say, and it continues as if it was normal, but is it really normal, I do not know, it takes me time to operate the machine, it does not work alone, we must regularly put energy into pushing to believe that it is possible, I remember that first it was hard to do, but now it's routine, I know where I'm going, it's essential then we'll see how long it takes, live life

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