when is it now

lundi 3 février 2014

human adventure begins at the

human adventure begins at the beginning , there is a second while he was alive and now it starts there luck, there loss , there are months, years , cars , trees, everything you need in the decor , the ambiance, the dead time , mold apples, the forgiveness of people who spend the greenery that has no name, and I am a prisoner of my body, how will I get out , do I die to do it, I 'm in no hurry , what 's good is to walk , forget who I am , believe that anything is possible, in a precise sense , to go there, do something , never do , it's nice to dream , we are facing a lake , it moves to speak, but I know it is wrong, then I walk up a bag, I look at it currently in, a joy that flies , I am surprised , how to avoid falling into the sea, I like the handle, it shakes , I must see the earth , I will be reassured , but a monster lot head above water , I take my scissors and I cut the threatening party, once I 'm out of the water , I start to look for a woman that would give me to eat, I prefer it to be a woman rather than a man for the woman leaning to serve can let me see a little of her breasts, and now that I know what I want , it's time to see what happens, it is in this journey that I am now, it's been that I go without landmark, as if I stepped back , but where to go, what else , choose to take what happens , youth is behind it away , as too bad I let him go , I have something else to do , argue with my wife believe that my daughter is smart and try to do anything else that could get me out of the rut I got into it , to me to be able to jump , so now I know what happens , it is a normal thing, I was just imagine me dancing naked on a place, but every time this lack of coldness annoys me maybe I can do what someone told me , if I take more cotton , I could lie down in the grass and noon feel the need to see a naked woman with sagging breasts a little , just enough to make me salivate , the desire is there , it does not look away , she fixed me , she thinks the same as me, but in fact what I think , a suddenly I understand the situation , I want nothing and I am going, it is not for me these emotions , I like to live quietly , without having to climb up , but now I don ' anything , again I think that this is the last , but I can not do , it is always what I want , there is no other way , it's me still me, so not what fun , it is a reality , it think about it, it activates , it works , it's a roof , bricks , mood , the screw up in the water, but not enough to sing , that's what I think, private parts , transit, and everything you need to make babies , because in the normal position there is a chance of losing anonymity because about all two centuries , there is a huge pile of junk , it must be put to vomit , this is how we can then go to the next field , it is quieter

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