when is it now

lundi 3 mars 2014

always hurts ,

always hurts , but why does it always smell that smells bad because the body is Wednesday , so not to sink just once , do not want everything to be calm when anything that that position interesting if we want to be both good and evil, we know now is that the human is puzzled , he never knows which way to turn , it changes with every step , it should serve to noon, but there is delayed we will have to wait another hour , the time goes down a dozen people who come to see if all goes well, the pepper, the salt and flowers, because without them we would not have honey, but now he must think all this is a new way to control his fears, when it is more monte easier , we shoot with each other , we stimulate , it goes well , although sometimes it ends badly when someone falls on another to make it a child would be better to say that to make a baby must be of different sex , that's the theory in practice do not exaggerate , family life is not always better, there are also dark moments , you can not see anything , what is the project must react , it takes time , it does not realize that goes into the wall and often it is exceeded without having seen anything , but I know that tomorrow is Tuesday and then Wednesday and Thursday then , oh no , what should we do for a living

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