when is it now

jeudi 15 mai 2014

if I had time I would have first

if I had time I would have first taken an access card to success but as at the time I was not in the race to obtain a price, I could not know that what is the most important thing is to take everything that revolves so that in a field of potatoes we are in the certainty of doing whatever it takes for a month one is willing to do what is happens when the moon becomes full , it is a weight that can be removed in a roof that flies so that everything is permitted , but the overall package I think I see a reason to take the time to go , because what happens first , this is a substantive work , so that in the years it is available, and in a cool way it is said that all rabbits corners are given appointments to the edge of the wood for this history we are in a final time so that humans have always been hunted beast , first to not be annoyed during sleep and then to eat cooked in the fire mastered beast is for this why we always put vegetables with meat , like that the body is balanced, it has blood and fiber, which allows the stomach to hold the shock and wait 80 years to say that can not do as before, so it's hard to believe , the human can not change his life, he is forced to live as if everything was closed and the time advance for the passage of the time was because what happens in the head it is a message you do not understand , live in love is to forget wanting to be the strongest, then everything becomes clear , the body move to be free and without wanting a startling intimacy, because what can happen in life is a burden that falls, then all is light, and as it changes all the time it must be set somewhere that although is not in the quiet there is a discharge of energy, when one is able to see through the body, and in a precise sense a way to make everything that is given to the first day

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