when is it now

lundi 12 mai 2014

if once I could pierce lack

if once I could pierce lack for anything that moves below is released and goes away to live elsewhere , this is a dream I do when I wake up, this is a moment then I took action that will last all day for it to take the altitude without losing balance and mount it in a field as long as I wanted her, but that's another story because for up until then we must make leaps into the void and yet this is only the beginning , then we go straight into another universe , so I prefer to say that what I am now is a chance that m ' is given for a life there is a moment of grace that can go straight without being afraid to take a side road , it's happiness in a tube , just press and it comes out , what better , it , at the intersection will we change course , time will tell , for now that bathroom, it is a measure of full-time , an old song that passes from generation to generation for each season can be capture the essence of life, this flight , this change , this new perception, what else to say , silence , peace, time regained the saved love, and what is the overall agreement, a strange mirror that reflects only what he wants, the Eiffel Tower, the Sacre Coeur , the Louvre courtyard , and then a test realization I start by saying that it is important to bring something that can make an impression because what is lacking in the human it is an internal vision that goes beyond the envelope , and go directly to the center of the body to know what it hides , but for now there is nothing this side , it is preferred to invent new phones rather than looking massively in the mysteries of life, but humans are more interested in what makes money what could come out of the rut it is blocked for millennia, and the human is as good as it goes anyway as if everything was safe

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