when is it now

vendredi 9 mai 2014

one day we will be

one day we will be what remains to get everything you need in a real last because anything is possible when you have the real chance to be as it is , a set of atoms arranged as well it takes to get the result is good , it does not depend on me , it's a gift for that since I was born , everything is normal , there is nothing to say, everything works , the '' hope is well hung , time passes as if one day was a day , and then I do not know is how much here, unless you find a ladder, so there I can get up there and say something god, does he hear me , I do not usually say that because I am human background, but time passes and sea approaches an end I would like to be easy, because in life what I love the most is to be uncomplicated , everything is clear , there is no shade, I move freely without constraint , all is quiet in me, I do not anger , I'm neutral , neither good nor evil , one can right a little to the left , without the slightest idea of ​​what anxious mean , everything is calm as a glassy sea , is a storm prepares , it would be the first and I 'm not worried , everything that happens must happen, so if I go there is because I have to go there and if I do not go there is that I don ' will not have to go , I'll just where life takes me , I am not someone looking for something else, a little at a time and all will be well , I want to be in a way that suits me , it does me not mind being a simple man , life is what it is and I have not noticed anything that makes me say that it will not , I can see that there are people who have a lot of money but we know they are not necessarily happy, because money brings problems, I do not have much money and it's going very well , my main pleasure does not cost me dear , I walk prayer, which requires replacement of shoes, a small expenditure , so hopefully I breathe calmly , I see the sun breaks through the clouds , I will take what comes as a whale swims in the water , I got person , I think what I want and it is always guided by the pleasure of living simply , no contradictory idea that the chance to live a little, a lot , madness and we go out there , we see it is , all that is good, it will be fine as long as I can think , so if I know why there is no reason how , while everything is destined , I m ' likes to tell me that I 'm even further than before

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