when is it now

mardi 13 mai 2014

the other day I realized that I was

the other day I realized that I was still in May but how come I thought the time passed very quickly from the moment we understood that after death there , but it does not change anything, it's just a habit when two monsters meet they talk about their victims , so how do you not have the chance of losing everything I win, I can not do otherwise, I 'm not good at making money , it slips through my fingers , I think me beautiful , nothing comes, there's no hope but I do not lose hope , maybe one day I'll win more money than I would spend , I can always think about it, it does not interfere with me even if I see whole life until now, I 've never won much, just enough to buy eat but to go on vacation this was not enough there is left in the family it's cheaper , but it is boredom, because everything is paid , pleasure , of course, when you arrive somewhere that we paid is that we chose , so in principle it is to have a good time , okay, I know what it is , if you really want to have something great must align tickets and not a little , the whole table and hop is in the bag, but I do not care, I found good in life is being able to come and go with an empty head , like that at least I do not think what I think when I do not work, that is all there is nasty and not nice, because I 'm not a saint and regularly reach me pictures of women tortured, murdered child , like you see on TV , but it's , it's only been happening is amazing what you can save in the brain , all we see, everything we feel , it is put somewhere and when the brain decides it swings all the sauce and open ears, but hey it's the game, you have to accept , and when I am confident I can do it, I am silent , I think of something positive and here it goes , so I do not worry, life is easy as long as you know where you put the feet because there is plenty of places frequented by bastards , so if you want trouble you can go and risk taking ten years in prison for complicity in a bank robbery , that's how it goes, it n ' there is no error , we all have the freedom to choose , some sink into risky choice and others are light because they are doing nothing wrong , just a few times a small

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