when is it now

mercredi 14 mai 2014

you have to be independent of

you have to be independent of the other , because in the time that comes after the last there is a risk of collision, then it's terrible , you call people who can help, it takes weeks , I prefer not to think about because life is too short and we can not afford to waste time in this way, all so I decided to take control of my life and no one can tell me what I should do that's why I spend my time trying to see what position is best, but as regards the other party , I do not know if I have the strength to go, and then life must be choices , I am not unhappy to have chosen the easy life is so much simpler than the hard life, I had a lot of luck and I still wonder now why I had the opportunity , which have given me the ability to make the right choices that leads me to today, I hope it lasts a long time , you never know what can happen , but at least I have experienced that and I think it extraordinary , because this life that spreads worry , it's wonderful , it's almost a fairy tale , except that I have not met a talking frog but just watch the news to see that there are people who suffer because he did not make the right choices , or more complicated is that they have found themselves in a situation that does not flourish , it is true in France it's been that it is stabilized, advance confidently in life, there is no dictator , there is no Stasi, the former east German omnipresent police, all is well in the best of all possible worlds, are not the case of Syria , China , Russia , Nigeria, Mali, Africa Centre and so on , it is often like that that we can not go as well as we would like , because if the pessimists for whom nothing goes on away , and the idiots who think that all the gold is for them, then we see a picture emerging that represents a woman sucking a man but the most interesting is that the other side is the image of a saint, I do not know the name , that's how I managed to hold the two ends , one side religious, and a human body part, and I turn , I turn , I start , I start , I do, I stick , I know, I look , but also the same way I can very well happen right away to try finally take insurance , that's what happens to me and I 'm glad

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