when is it now

mardi 3 mars 2015

a moment of distraction and rain

a moment of distraction and rain passes through the wall that was hitherto thought that all this was worth it, but here it falls straight and that in the next field I see passing a band of merchants This puzzles me, when I think about it I get a reason and to get down in the other room I join hands and pray for me that it sings the praises and not that stupid trunk rising peak in fall but everything changes around noon, the birds are silent, I taste this time saying yes that's ultimately what I want to and because it starts so I can not help but to go like that and why j admit it put me in a daze, a hot spring that spreads into the heart and then you can pick up everything for the glory of God, who accepts that human renounce happiness to sink into unproductive struggle tends to void in all cases and in addition can not say out loud what a low life miserable marriage atrophied sense that does not stop complaining about the quality of the food and the sun shines in the center of canvas credit constitutions which require highly detrimental to soft cushions and when it bleeds it must quickly alert a procedure that is very successful as the time has come to see that all this is not as it should if think of all that goes down and then goes into the other room for a moment incredibly devoid principle decorating changing any to reach the purest drawing of yellow paint and when it is an impression that sings listening to evolve in a way that can not say why it is oriented in this direction and I am careful when it burns my hands so I stay distracted and it shows me that everything in life is a matter of disposition and when it is a luck then I run in all directions and I make a gift to the sky, a prayer without perfection but with all sincerity that I can and when we do that we do nothing which explains the lack of activity in the field that goes up to the mountain which is an inexhaustible source of thanks which puts me at the highest point and a foldable short position in all directions for making a knot that will block the emotion because what control and a fact that can be discussed but that's even simpler what is done is more to do and found there in silence for a long time and waited for it to coincide with the old principle saying I m ' remember more what causes me a disappointment for not being able to do all that is possible from the first closet until the last station in altitude and as this is a cross that is placed in the middle and waits humans be good enough to put around in true devotion, as if we had found his child's heart rid of the urge to play silly games like that and you have the choice between hell and paradise which is not imposed as a deliberate decision but as a heavy blow, you wake up at once, but it is already too late and the flesh come off and I sink into the unknown is that day that I decided to make an effort that will lead me to another location and when it's done I tell a fairy story that wanted to eat meat while it is usual on Wednesday it gets hunting so we

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