when is it now

mercredi 6 mai 2015

this time I feel rising in me

this time I feel rising in me a holiness, it comes from afar and it does not concern me but in the sense that approaches I see that I am made in the image of something that can be done, but by that I realize that everything I do is a little anything in all that is in the sea and to have a voice at once in the crowd of green areas and believe that anything real is happening in the house of God for having seen what it's like to take a stick to throw him into the sea and when it starts singing I hide to cry, that sweetness amid the hatred of beauty world be well used primarily for the chance to have a tiny time to finally say that we are still far from the goal more than anything I saw in the train, but that is an error of judgment because in peacetime there is in the atmosphere a disastrous idea who would have us believe that humans are destined to live his life by taking shelter of a mental health by becoming its own without human need to think about what to do for a change to the same story as one that starts with a curse, leading the folly of living without having forgiveness but at a high speed, which is not what we but it is believed that in a space increasingly contaminated by the depreciation of the months ahead in what remains solid with well come slow because at the moment the string breaks and time opens in size splendid and here we are caught in a love vertigo, which is unusual because in life you have to fight against invisible enemies who want to spend it in the oven to try and see what happens mewting like a thirsty to drink water in the desert and though I be free enough to have that stupid smile of pleasure in the destructive passion though I am put in trial I do not see what's hot at the bottom I close myself by saying that in any case I'm sure to you need to be taken seriously, so if I begin to see that so that in any case this is done in the right place is as for now I'm worried about making the right decisions, because after all nothing is what it takes in laziness not to take to overcome the contrary, preferred to sleep and wake up the next day forgetting what is going on and so I know it's my decision, and why I will not do what I do in the soundness of impressions that are stagnant muddy water as a prisoner of time that forces him to do longer reach the ocean, ah this haunting dream that gives me this stone to hear the sound of the wind threatening in the first session, there are millions of years to be sure to do it right without fear or constraint that would force me to give up by making a gift to hate losing ground and having a junction with evil, now you tell me who is free to do what you want, you're not forced to have to believe Destiny is calling you and even though I am an instrument of God's will, I can not resist the urge to go see what is happening behind, but the problem is that once I passed behind, I can not come back, the passage is blocked by a host of insects that kill the bees with great sorrow to digest, but although I know the life I see that all this is an example and that After we pass the ointment on the face to have this feeling of freshness that reminds us that we are mortal

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