when is it now

mercredi 3 juin 2009

he came to tell us to accept the situation, but I think we still think, everything is new and can not imagine to what we are led to agree the group should take collective decisions but each of us the ability to say what he thinks, if I say white, I expect that by the end it will be gray, or black in the extreme case, too bad I have a reason that I keep nice and warm in my personal reserve, for years it makes a package that takes a large place in my brain, it worries me a little, how to free myself from this group contrary to the weight, should I 'other assaults to force them to listen, not what is not in my nature, I think I'll just pass on messages to the sky, at least it does not respond, no risk of contradiction, but not human pleasure, yet I do like that and I have no idea of the future, I do not know yet how I will, but I doubt that I will return to the world through a door to me was unknown, though I know life, but it does not yet exist, the spirit is great, he can imagine a lot of things that do not exist, but it does exist when it loses the pedals, it makes on place, with the inability to digest all at the same time, this is the problem, going from nothing at all without reason, born, die, paf, pif, what time is it, it's time to live, then live

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