when is it now

mardi 2 juin 2009

this is no different than the last time, when I think about the reality I'm not where I am somewhere where I do trust my eyes, I see hands that type on a keyboard, I am spectator of my life, time passes in such questions, it is already eleven, quickly move on to the next question, how are you, things are going well now, well, I agree it is te take in the night so we can verify that you go well tomorrow, my I will not do it twice for you to consider that life is for itself, no need to verify that you breathe without ever t adopt, there are things which, does not give up, you can not take, look, a piece yesterday that swim to the surface of a floating island, fearing it goes not find room for parking there, but it was quickly replaced, a drive today crushes everything in its path, it does not last long but it is impressive, it must rest, this agitation is not good for your heart, want is a drug that allows you to follow the course properly seated in the regularity, you will see, it works every time, it is miraculous, the pill of happiness, but only if they eat balanced hope a day, even two in serious training, we must not remain passive in the face of adversity, good luck, I must leave and return, it's good for morale, it forgets all the time Travel is neutral, after a while we turned around, when exactly is hard to say, when one feels the desire to rise above the desire to return,

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