when is it now

mercredi 13 mars 2013

simply time passes, it asks nothing, it is useful to cure the flu but those who suffer from incurable diseases have no hope of recovery, it is a prison, I go out with the flu, I had gone 6 days ago, time for God to the world, I have had a fever that made me want to cry about me, about them, about us, unable to live together in peace and love, the human violence in him, he can not do otherwise than to crush his neighbor to take his place, but before doing bétises you still need to know if this is useful, because in life there are so useless, you should always ask yourself is it worth it, is it really what I want to do is always the same, it repeats since I old enough to understand life and it will repeat until my death, I repeat every day, it does not bother me, even though I'd go straight, but the body is difficult to fly, so I just go there, and here, it sings, it drinks, the happiness, the girls are ugly, the ham is bad, moist bread, the river water is polluted, I go home, the campaign n is what it was, it was before, before, before, me, me, me, me and after, after, after, after, after, it is a trend, an action with certainty friendly something that feels good, a shift towards a clear goal, I know where I'm going, I know how, I have no doubt, there is life, there is no other choice, is Well, that account for the championship, it's wonderful, lose, win, understand, expect, and choose everything carefully, it is an experience, the more time passes the verification takes time, I remember that I've already done, I say, be careful, I will not make the same mistake, and I am new, because life is fun, it offers jokes, remember that c ' is currently chairing the life

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