when is it now

mercredi 23 octobre 2013

It was a flash that gave me the illusion of truth, but how to conclude as soon as the time is spent in one place , I see what I can do, it is obvious , the problem is that one is alone to brush his teeth , then I take a walk , I look at what others are doing , passages together but this is not a joke in the street they are silent , it does not strange gestures, that's how we are anonymous , because the song is inside , it's old , it always starts the same way for me only because I arrived to an empty stage, n was not the incredible day, just a few minutes to say that the choice is important because it is just a fact of life , real moments of sweat, afraid to fall so low that no longer sees the light, but how to not be there at the wrong place at the wrong time , if I knew , but I do not know about tomorrow , a story among other things, thinking what to do to organize something to stand up , because I have less than others , so I 'm stuck in a circle that has no door, I turn around for years, but it does not take my head is a long path that takes years , a day, a different idea, I am able to move , it's not short , it is slow , so slow that I do not mind , because there are people who go too fast , suddenly they get bored because they have nothing to do next, while I 'm so slow that I never have time to finish , so I do not know what that means , red a little too light , love in the afternoon , and for hours for an advanced example of this crazy walking in the street, but how does it , I know I 'm normal , I do nothing that is not accepted as a normal way of updated positioning , because what I have learned in my life is to pay attention to the possibility that does not go to the place indicated normally , this is strange is not as usual , I open the eye , it misses me

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