when is it now

mercredi 23 octobre 2013

that I knew is long dead because it is always true, since I 'm living a moment nearly as far as the birth , but when I dream I am aware of memory loss when I not just somewhere for a long time , I forget the names of the streets , the transition to a church, it was the last time, but for the moment I existed for a long time, making the time but now it's made ​​a second , so that leads me is an old idea that is renewed every moment because for at least one hour he spent an incompressible time , a block of foie gras for good memories but horrible for balance, what we seek is found in a box is closed, but by breaking it can be proven that we were right , there is a reality that flows from the old days, it concerns us because the passage is random, one day it goes , one day it does not pass , pebbles in shoes and then an acceptable solution, something which is growing because it takes is still a bit of everything , a Fortunately, a truth , a death , a green solution because it's like that, times white , blue holes and me advance in the middle of the other without fear

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