when is it now

mardi 22 octobre 2013

oh joy , magic moment , now radiates the highest of hope, this steaming pile off that tells me that the time is far from lucky that fits in his care not to face envy biting into a chicken leg , around noon we go into another dimension , it goes fast , it must go, it does not wait, time is counted from the first day to the second day of a birth, there has years of training are not annoying , I need a structure to destroy it, because my project is to plant trees to avoid having to go around without a landmark, it's tiring to always go too far, you have to return to land in a place that does not have a career too sharp , I do not know if it forces me to look through mountains of hatred is so thick that it must me years to see clearly , the human is close to him, so that there is no space for anything else, it is stuck, it is stuck on his life without realizing that opens outwards it could go in an immediate solution without risking go elsewhere , this is a chance we can easily give a little effort is all wonderful, it 's amazing that I do not believe in fairy tales , but I must confess that it is wonderful without having to speak or rabbit turtle ninja , simple life , one day after the other , that's all , that's enough for I finally be the one I spend the most time without lying , it's an opportunity not to be missed because life goes by very quickly , there was no time to return , okay, okay, it is only one way to pass without pinching, beware of falling if it is not the stone, it is because in the psyche what matters is the emotion , then one board does not believe that the castle brings happiness , it is rather the bills roof repair or boiler coming , as it is well known that the time can not be extended as a frog would be a big beef this is what I wanted to know, you have to be careful, not another

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