when is it now

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

it takes is normal , because I think the downward descent is uncertain movement picks up speed when I realize it's time to fall one day maybe , one hour, one minute, one second , the heart , pack the extent of madness, when one is able to see what happens , I'm trying to believe that this is possible, then yesterday I was even in the second without telling me that now I feel an opening is somewhere in a direction that is far closer to the limit whereas it is desirable to make a clean sweep , I still takes minutes to think, because what can I do to stay well , it takes me a little in the cool, mixed feelings , immediately , without limit, is this possible , a meeting that keeps me accountable, but I 'm going to turn to see that it is more joyful than real , it is possible to dream , the truth is far more cold , because every moment is attached to the other since the time invited to the party , a new joy that can not be limited the old, the new approach to green house , not to dive straight into the deep end , I expect another sign , something strong that can make me believe that some thing arrrive

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