when is it now

lundi 25 novembre 2013

too fast, too slow, change every moment , if it shines when I lose, but to be ready, once I talk to a puppet, she always says the same thing, but it does not bother me , it's like if I was dreaming , I'm flying in the air, I'm still here , this is a situation that my balance in the treble, I get stuck , I know that I have to react but this is a chance to take a little crescent without crumb outside the circle as continue to make holes is tiring , I prefer to live on top , I like to choose the right circumstances , a simple solution that can not always fall down because situation deserves some attention , people spend , stories circulate , I hear noises , enough to make me sick , people who are they, where do they go , what they think, and I in all this , should I believe in what I dream, is it possible, a waking dream that does not fall quickly , I remain long on the surface , this is my life is like that, if I choose something else that's what happens , raided a notch for a positive passion, this morning , to another place , I seek comfort, I'll find it ' is a reality, it suits me , but for the moment I am happy with what I have, it allows me to take time to think, to believe , to have quietly as I have time , time to breathe , time to look, to understand what it means and kindly accept to see where to go next time, a place to which one returns because there are what are sought for a long time , a quest that I thought vain but suddenly , unexpectedly , quickly , quickly, without any way to be , I think I'm close to the goal

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