when is it now

mardi 3 décembre 2013

this time I remember , maybe because I am able to take me closer to the time to pay attention, yes, I can be close to what is happening now because I did what I did not do before this is new for me , I had to see everything that is not going to understand everything that goes , it was a new start , I'm in a belief, Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed art thou among women and blessed is your child Jesus , holy Mary full of grace, pray for us poor fisherman now and at the hour of our death , so be it and what follows is not quite in the same place because soon I will be the first man to know my destiny, this is not the first time in history, but in my personal history is a first , having never previously experienced global success what counts in life is to keep the bar never let go , because this is just like that one day others will come to help me keep it , once c ' is done, I 'm wondering what to do next , because the choice is tiny, it takes time that is better than before but it is still vague , it can not go fast, it's an error when I start the knew nothing of what was possible to do, now that I see the situation better I 'm able to take a step forward

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