when is it now

lundi 3 mars 2014

once I thought

once I thought , since I live every day to drink water to be able to pee properly , it is my ambition unless it is worse than it could be if I was caught in rotating watch when she says that the time has arrived, so not to be passed for less than two hours, I understand that time is beatable in each direction there is a reason that is not going in the wrong direction , because if everything is small , there is still greatness somewhere , it does not start , it's flat , but it is then that I am still willing to make an effort , I think I like it then to erase everything I take my coat and I can get hot while it is outside the storm in the brain , it is the high boiling but to arrive at the right time , I must hurry some may wish to make more, but I am in a movement that I can not accelerate and for this reason I have to stay away from others, I do not know how to do, it's easier than it seems, because in a moment like I say I'm happy is a feeling composed , moods , passing through the sun , flowing water , which meets on Monday , the time that the wrong way, it is where it goes, but what to do now , I do not know where to go , while I was disappointed, I liked it , so what's love, one step after another , a look that includes , everything is in the same square , there are peaks, sides , angles mini breaks, it can not be seen with naked eyes , because it is cold and if I do not want to see what happens I have to close your eyes, because for what I know , it 's no other way more to do what is best

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