when is it now

lundi 3 mars 2014

the other day I was doing

the other day I was doing what I love most in the world when I 'm aware of water in the tumult of passions buried for years because I no longer live , I dream that one day tell me that this is so for the moment I 'm still side without being able to do exactly what I might one day no longer do, because what bothers me is the rain , I do not like this contact on my skin , I prefer the gray clouds that simply pass without doing anything else, because I'm focused , it goes in one direction, I need to find the entrance , otherwise how to do what is possible, I am of course willing to talk , because it can be certain that in two days, there is an opening, but how this is step by step, in a song of small roof , a thing may be called by name, but to this I am forever in the same circle as this morning when I fell out of bed , but around noon , I must say thank you , everything went well , there's nothing left , all gone, is a chance to head straight without special power, but enough to make noise in disarray, what I think is small, ridiculous event , a series of why and how, but what to do, it shows the Also, I 'm not sure I understand , this is for me, but how, I am in full measure , I have no more room , I have to do the sorting, it will take me a while , yesterday, today , different moments, precious moments , people who are dead, and what is more , it is a matter which lies somewhere , but what matters I'll go see this passing , it is , it goes as it should, and towards the afternoon , it does not change , this is a specific situation that can not fix everything, it will make everything else for is met , this is not enough, there are still days that are not defined , this time is not good , there are unique moments that laughs gently, forward to go see a once, it is pretty much like that , no need to take it anymore, I can not wear anything , we did what we could, now it is a space, I 'll see what I can do this is wonderful, sunny day that is pleasant if possible, a nice opening to the future that can not even say why it's like that

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