when is it now

lundi 5 mai 2014

funny place I turn I

funny place I turn I see what happens , nothing really but that is not my fault , I 'm just passing through to get everything clean and then I go without looking back , I think I 'll take something else, because in life that is open is a door that does not close , because it's been that it bleeds and the lake there are still fish swimming to do not die and then an additional step that I do differently in every step I find a reason to keep that is not final even though I know it always starts with the way that I choose in the middle of all that exists for I was gone at the time indicated on the cover, and in a drawer I see business that I put in the closet and then I go somewhere else for a cool I'm the best in clear months and here I am for sea, but when I see all the pictures I take what I can, I have a dream and I hear sirens tell me that the time may be the one provided but no longer as good corners because everything is finished , then I go over, it does not matter , it is a specific time, so I think that 's how we can widen the circle and go for it to be in a other way but this is for it to be in the tower, an ace and a king in the republic , because here it's crazy I do exact measurements for a year I am farthest from the earth, but this is a dream then I do and I am silent

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