when is it now

lundi 12 mai 2014

what do whatever it takes

what do whatever it takes to live a safe space for people who spend , love in stock, are beets, endive, to hold hands , feet to walk, the desire to be ready to make as accurate as possible sense when we know that everything is closed and tomorrow does not exist yet , so we know what to be for the time being in such a wonderful time that if we had horses that fly in the air but what is most amazing is that every time as far from the center is oriented in the same direction as the previous one, will be there also in a time when everything is done and I would not have no chance to take my destiny, is that all this is a prisoner of envy, so he must know what is possible, it is a hunt for France to be an instrument of peace , therefore I am European and I do not understand how a right-wing anti- European party nominates candidates for the European elections , this is how you become stupid if we believe that it can go easily in France millennium is that ' is the wrong century, is no longer the time of Louis 14 today trade is global , there are international industries , so how if we weigh the size of France , there is an obligation beyond ourselves , because we must also think of our children , if they are to live in peace, it is in Europe they live , long live Europe , tomorrow , ten years , a hundred years , like us each other , and want to stop the body is an instrument of violence, that's why I'm trying to get high , it is a creative choices in the tumult of conflicting emotions as a new completely redone must know what pops and what was , for a desire for balance I'm in the middle of me and so can easily reach everything is a voluntary lightness, here is me living , so please , do not do anything that is out of simple generosity

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