when is it now

vendredi 4 juillet 2014

what happens in the body

what happens in the body it is a struggle to the death between the why and how this means that everything is placed party, a funny season, words in the air, what to eat and what remains essentially a dance that ends in a garden, to be made during a thing that moves, but I do not know what that means, so I looked elsewhere, it takes time but at the same time it exchange for time so be sure to know, I do not purposely take what I saw, because here it's gone forever, so at such a moment, I feel I mounted a concern, would that this pile that rises or should we accept to bear on oil, which puts everything related to God in a frenzy of interest in the study of impulses, when I quickly placed in a box that smells hey, it's me change the pipe I chose to be my standard bearer for the first time and I almost get in touch, but at the last moment I was interrupted by a young woman who wonder where the Metro Pont Marie, time to look in my memory to finally say that I did not know what time to go well, because since that time the other girl had disappeared, because to be honest from the beginning, it was I walked for an hour and usually when I meet people it does not last because there are not many walkers, there are people walking around is very different from walking length of time, so when I realized that someone was walking in front of me, time is an hour later we're still in the same position, slightly behind her, I look at her from time to time, and then after an hour and half I think I'll talk to her, what goes in complete opposition to the number one rule which states that no person shall enter into a relationship with someone but now I feel able to tell her something, but this time comes another woman who asks me where Pont Marie, in hindsight I think I was the intervention of an angel disguised as a woman, as to dissuade me from coming into contact with the walker what more natural that someone asking his way

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