when is it now

jeudi 3 juillet 2014

what it means is that everything

what it means is that everything related to all potions is a weight that takes the train at the same time as the mother who returns home after a week's holiday while the dog is sick and the weather is nice for walking and when you arrive in the town where all the women are blonde, desperately trying to hang on cars, because freedom is good when it does not last too long because the real fun is to be chained to each other for all the time we think how to release and when it is held very strongly we can put twenty or thirty years, then for a change of scenery, I take everything I find a city map, complimentary newspapers, beard that grows, empty places, and I slice the time in half, one part inside, quiet and some outside, and unfailing forgiveness of go fast, but I have to be in Berlin in September, to get to the point there is a way to immediately raise the sauce, it depends on how much you want put in front of each entry, which takes much time it is a power to say something, then to have this chance, we must choose the one, once that is done we must continue to believe for a invaluable time, it depends on the age of the captain and then the time it takes to cook noodles, which can not have the same height, because since 1954 we should no longer assume that everything that happens is the result of an absolutely adequate consultation because life is multifaceted and complex, while everything goes down, everything crashes, all is silent, and everything screams, then to find out what it is there is no other means to get ahead all that is vertical is not horizontal, as it is not set many problems, such as the French exception, when we think of culture as a commodity like American think, in France we say no, what makes one thing rather than another, and how long it takes to return in good condition as to show everything we must first turn on the light and when it is more evenly distributed must be in position to see that all that is important is ranked first

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