when is it now

jeudi 23 avril 2015

one day the day to be outside

one day the day to be outside of the circular traffic patterns and believe that faith and believed to fear the snake that will get me out of heaven and about noon I understand my mistake there was too much space and I lost myself in eternal tunes and it takes less time I will try a new experience, which consists of putting together known locations with strawberry or artichokes that are placed in circles for more efficiency and when I take a position to believe it is possible immediately begin pans banging against the walls, I take that as a wind of revolt and I escape out the window, I fall on the factor that tells me he has a letter for me, I take it, and as is the pay day, I opened it hoping it's the check I wait for years because we had lost my address, I must say that I move often to escape the one I cheated with a German but it happens that's why I have to pay for my whole life a debt that is not proportionate to the attack I could avoid placing me against the wall, so I told myself if it continues like this I will have to leave the country where I was born, but there is a day when it degenerates into anything, that day can be n 'anything because everything collapses, time, space, lack the blood flowing, the plan falls apart, it's time for the flight forward is not without a danger, but also a source of new contacts made, is also on this occasion that I met this woman who seemed to be pretty good to me to maintain my project to settle in his room, to my surprise she said yes, and we spent three days watching us to see what happens between a man and a woman in the privacy and the greatest chance this woman had a sister with whom I ' I made love quickly without waiting as I had done with the first, I do not know why but it's like this and like that kind of relationship does not last I had to go elsewhere in the hope to continue to dream of my life that is becoming increasingly not much

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