when is it now

jeudi 23 avril 2015

this circle is to do,

this circle is to do, but that's even harder when it becomes yellow I'm afraid that's why I am unable to get closer to the present moment, it's been that I try to light the candle, but my hand is shaking so much that I can not do what I want then I am forced to believe that this is possible and when it begins to pass to be put in the till I see what I can do because I am equipped with an average intelligence that seeks to know the mystery of life while encouraging me I see what I can and I know that in any case in the present moment there are so many reasons to do what is not possible to do that I get lost in a maze of multiple choice is short for it surprises I thought I had time but now we must be careful that comes right in red is the highest alert is a terrorist entered the cellar, quickly I make a deep analysis of the situation it had to happen for a long time talking to those people who think that their god is a violent person who wants the death of heretics, while the same can arrive in different worlds with so much to do in a green world that center time in a ball but to make something memorable one must register a few words to say that I agree to a stretch of road but not all life because at least accident is sought and as the culprit here is later than expected must be a connection with others, it will take time especially if we pay attention to the sniping that happens now is the result of a let that did not respond in time to time to violent extremists who seek only to create chaos without having any idea of ​​innovative principles to manage a company, this means pressure is available if allowed to run the infantry of the horror is vertical, it's hot it can get hot and then around noon hour to ring the Peace someone comes to say that this is a new step we laugh and that's it we arrived in heaven there is no more war everyone is happy there is time to talk and it's all true

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