when is it now

mercredi 15 juillet 2009

there is a reason to be hopeful, be sure of body position in space, I'm here, we go for a nice day to see if I'm fine, then I can rest, but before I have to persuade me that the action is fully justified, is a full-time, first check that all goes well, the supply of energy, bringing together all the elements to a central point for that the desire knows the love, both together, we can go far beyond the imagination that is happy to get what it is behind today, we should stop taking time for an idiot, now stops now, the past does not look forward, the future is unavailable, that is when it does not work, everything is skewed but the body does not fall, we can advance in human without thinking, a shaky thought does not stop cross legs, you can walk without the head, but attention to body, if everyone did the same thing might shock chest advanced, the tissues fold, the flesh panic, sorry, I was distracted, farewell, we will not kiss, we met by mistake

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