when is it now

lundi 14 novembre 2011

once and then goes on a journey through time, human life is short, it lasts only seconds, when the world is measured in millions of years, and he does not complain, we must see that all human who laments their fate, nothing is going,the sky is blue, but the head is black, there is no hope, but I think it is always a moment after moment, how is it born, there is no magic formula, you just have to believe, one, two, and then move on, it's training, one, two, forward, to, toward, action certain speed required to avoid falling into inaction, always have something to do, it can be to go right or go left, then we go back and time has passed, we're happy, I quickly have to do something else now, and if I was resting, just five minutes, because then I start something, I do not know yet what I will do next, is that it also nourishes hope, uncertainty in the certainty, those who believe that everything is decided by deciding to deceive, it passes and if we can look you can have something to keep it, it does not work every time, it's part of the game the daily is the field relations are the players, you play, I start now, then I look around me, it's nice, I'm fine,

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